Actor Saba Qamar appoints UNICEF Ambassador Children’s Rights

Published October 12, 2024
Sabar Qamar appoints UNICEF Ambassador

Actress Saba Qamar has joined UNICEF’s mission to promote children’s rights and empower girls in Pakistan. Unicef on Friday afternoon at the Karachi office of the UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian aid to children all over the world.

UNICEF has appointed Saba Qamar as the first National Ambassador of Children’s Rights in Pakistan.

The announcement was made on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, which aims to raise awareness about the rights of girls and the difficulties they face around the world.

Saba Qamar expressed her gratitude, stating, “It’s an honor to join UNICEF. I will promote our shared mission of ensuring every child’s rights, wherever I am.”

“I am committed to doing my part for the children and youth of Pakistan, enabling them to dream and achieve those dreams,” she added.

Saba Qamar said that he recently reviewed the difficulties faced by children and women during the journey along with the UNICEF team and has also observed the reduction in these difficulties due to the effective measures taken by UNICEF.

Saba Qamar
Saba Qamar UNICEF
Saba Qamar
Saba Qamar UNICEF
Saba Qamar
Saba Qamar UNICEF

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